The flickering, blinking lights fade into blurry, glowing lines
They fly past in a blink, mellowly upon the city's fickle scene
A short stop in a traffic jam, the red light shines
Falling deeper into a dazzling night, all of it feels like dreams
Sentimental, I melt into the backseat as my vision becomes blurry
This comfort, familiarity, through the window, all of it shows
Though dominated by the neon street signs, the moonlight does not worry
It spills just like liquid silver onto the rocky, concrete roads
Everything washes over fuzzily, on the monotonous, crowded crosswalks
From red to yellow, then green, the car's radio tunes out songs from days gone by,
It doesn't wait, it washes over, and the gentle melody rides with us past the many city blocks
I can't help but feel it blends perfectly with the rich, indigo sky
Days of both joy and sorrow were embraced by the swaying skyscrapers,
Apartment complexes, indistinguishable just as I always knew they were
These narrow pavements I walk on, again and again, covered in flyers and newspapers,
I want to stay here forever, for this life and the next, I'm sure
The nostalgia takes over me, even though I've never left
This is my home, my life, this is who I am